Monday, August 11, 2008

Parker Rendezvous '08

This Saturday we were invited to the annual rendezvous. We never turn down the opportunity to attend an event like this. We had a great time and would like to Thank the organizer, Kevin, for the invite and the Classic Parker founder, Dale, for running such a great site! Its so much fun to walk from boat to boat to meet the owners and hearing over and over - I bought this from you... I bought that from you... Thank you so much to all those Parker owners that give us a shot for their electronics and outfitting needs. To cap off the day we actually caught some Rockfish (yes, I intended that to be plural!) on the way home. That's a welcome change this year! Can't wait until the rendezvous next year.

All the Parkers Lined up - with our Plate Alloy Pacific (the one with the black engine dummy!)

Doing our mandatory "walk down the runway" for photos

Beth and Jim (me) hanging on the back of a 25' Parker owned by Kevin aka Megabyte on

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